Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mountain Church

This is St. Catherines Catholic Church in Concrete, Wa. It was built in the early 1900s and is still in use today. 

I am linking this to InSPIREd Sunday meme HERE

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Basil Jim

Bob's son Jim grows a fabulous garden on the property.  He is an organic gardener and is quite precise in how he cares for all the veggies.   His vegetables are excellent.  Very tasty and you know they're grown right.
 He grows some awesome flowers too.  Here he is taking some to the market
 Inside the greenhouse.  Probably over 80 tomato plants.  All carefully tended to.
 Always something to do.  Prune, weed and catch bugs too.
 Beans and Cauliflower
 Leeks are good in any soup or stew
 Peppers are growing
 Off to the market with some Kale, bright Lights Swiss Chard and yummy golden Cherry tomatoes.
 A huge Zucchini plant in our garden and in the same garden a Artichoke the rest is Jims.  Beans, Cabbage and Squash.
Working some more--the blue barrels are full of rainwater that then he can use to water the garden.  Very efficient and doesn't have to use the well water--huge Artichoke, Fennel, Swiss chard and more tall beans.

We may be away for a few days.  I will try to get to some blogs and comment but my computer has been giving me a hard time when trying to comment.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Grosbeak wants to eat~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wild Bird Wednesday

This female Blackheaded Grosbeak  (or maybe a youngster) was waiting and waiting to get to this birdfeeder.  The Chickadees and Goldfinches were intimidating the much larger bird.  so she peeked here and watched there.   It was interesting to watch.
 The hoggish Gold Finches
 She comes peeking through the tree
 Getting a little bolder
 She's got her eye on it
 Maybe she'll go for it
And she did!  Look at her and there is still a goldfinch on the feeder.  See nothing to worry about.

Wing on over to Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday   HERE  and enjoy!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Practice Time

My Youngest Grand son's Football team at practice
And there he is

I am linking this to Ruby Tuesday too  HERE

Summer Flowers

Here are a few of the flowers in the garden right now.
 Top left: Gaura 'Siskiyu Pink'..   There is also a white one called 'Whirling butterflies'.  To the right a few of my many Sunflowers below pink and white Petunias and lastly a Honey Bee on the flower of a Spearmint plant.

I am linking this to Lavender Cottage and Mosaic Monday HERE

Saturday, August 23, 2014

St. Pauls Catholic Church~~~~~~~~~InSPIREd

In 1868 Fr. Eugene Chirouse, O.M.I.--who ministered at Tulalip for 20 years--aided by Fr. John Baptiste Boulet--began construction of a small church on Fidalgo Island on the Swinomish Reservation. This year marked the founding of St. Paul Mission, named after St. Paul the Apostle. 

The first church was a structure of poles with a roof of mats. Outside hung a bell which rang the day the Point Elliot Treaty (between the US and several NW Washington Tribes) was signed in 1855. The bell hangs in the present church

I am linking this to InSPIREd Sunday HERE


Friday, August 22, 2014

Silly Dog

I was out sitting in the yard trying to take some pictures of the garden and some flowers etc when Bingo who had been stalking a make-believe rabbit came bounding over and just -plop-sat down in my lap.  He has always wanted to be a lap dog/  LOL
 He is a big lug.     My view haha!
 I did get some pictures of the Sunflowers
 And I got a pic of Bob mowing out in the far pasture Can you find him?

I am linking this to Eileen's Saturday's Critters HERE 

Also Camera Critters HERE

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Prelude to a Sunset~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sky Watch

This is last night's sunset.  We first noticed the clouds in the NE looking weird with a touch of color so we knew we had to hop in the Van and get on the west side of the trees.  This is what we saw.
 The clouds in the NE
 We had to get to the otherside of the trees
 In seconds the reddish color was gone but the beauty remained

I am linking this to Sky Watch HERE

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This is a very good fence~~~~~~~~~~Good Fences

Taking Bingo for a walk in the morning I came across this barking dog behind a fence.  It kept him on one side and me and my dog  on another.  What fences are for.  LOL

Take a walk to Theresa's place to see more really "Good Fences:. HERE

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Barn Swallow Baby~~~~~~~~~ for Wild Bird wednesday

This little guy was sitting on the deck ledge looking in the living room window.  He was so darn cute.

 He's looking right in the window.  Good thing my windows were sorta clean.

The barn swallow is the most widespread species of swallow in the world. It is a distinctive passerine bird with blue upperparts, a long, deeply forked tail and curved, pointed wings. It is found in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Wing your way over to Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday HERE 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Apple Pink for Ruby Tuesday Too

 It's Apple picking time for several varieties.  Some will ripen a little later on.  These are beauties.
I am linking this to Ruby Tuesday Too HERE

Damsel Fly

Tule Bluet found at Lake Lenore in Eastern Washington
 I am linking this to Macro Monday2 HERE

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Cabin

The is the original cabin at the Olmsted Historical Farm in Kittatas Eastern wa.

 The cabin--a bit overgrown and the best I could do without a machete
 The rooms inside are furnished in the period
 Love the shoes on the bed
 A spinning wheel in the bedroom.  It's a small cabin so we will use all available space.
Dinner time!!

Here is more info:  
Farm History: Samuel Olmstead married Sarah Yale in 1861 and farmed the Minnesota frontier. Urged by Samuel’s half brother, J.D. Olmstead, they came to Kittitas Valley in 1875. They built the original cabin on this property in 1876 out of cottonwood trees from near the Yakima River.
The orchards and fruiting shrubs were planted in 1877. (Many of the old trees stand today) In 1881, Samuel died suddenly and left the burden of the farm to Sarah and her two sons, Phil and Jack. Their daughter, Clara married George Smith and they had two little girls. Unfortunately, Clara also died young and Sarah took in and raised the two little grandaughters.
In 1892 the young Olmstead men built the the dairy barn on the west end of the meadow. In 1908, the Olmsteads built the farmhouse and big red barn to store grain and hay.
In 1968, Leta May Smith and Clareta Olmstead Smith, the little girls raised by Sarah Olmstead years before, deeded Olmstead Place to the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission for use as a historical park. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sky Watch

Taken awhile back.  Sunset across the South Fork of the Skagit River
I am linking this to Sky Watch Friday   HERE 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A small fence but a GOOD FENCE

A little piece of fence protecting us from Padilla Bay at Bayview State Park not too far from our house.
 Our hot Summer has deserted us for awhile.  We are having rain and much cooler temps.  It is sooo nice but I hope the sun comes back to visit.

I am linking to Good Fences at Run*A*Round Ranch  HERE

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Garden Harvest

Lots of goodies in the garden today---veggies and flowers.

 Today we picked some Zucchini and I made Zucchini Bars.  All week we have been having sauted Zuchs with onion, garlic--all out of the garden.. Garlic won 1st place at the fair..  so here we have Cabbage, Zuchinni, Onion and an apple and behind that some Cucumbers.
 I forgot to picture the beets.  Bob is making Borsch tonightHe is a wonderful cook.
 Here are some larger Zucchini--Plant a couple vines and you get tons of Zuchs
 One of my favorite containers. 
 We have a lot of Sunflowers
 Chocolate sunflowers among the gold
 Our Chickens are helping by laying nice large eggs.  We have so many we give them away.
The front garden is stuffed.

In the Corner~~~~~~~~Ruby Tuesday

My Fairy  Girl in the corner of the patio

I am linking this to Ruby Tuesday too HERE