Sunday, September 30, 2018


“The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools.” 
― Henry Beston

Change---Theme for October 1st---CDP~~~~HERE

Silver Lake on the way to Mt. Baker

Saturday, September 29, 2018


This place is on the way to Stanwood from my place.  I think it used to be a chicken outfit but now just a few cows graze about
Linking to Tom's Barn Collective~~~~~~~HERE

Friday, September 28, 2018

Band tail Pigeon

I saw this guy at the feeders today.  He's never been around here before and as you see a bit too big to fit on the feeders and this is the biggest feeder


 He made it
Linking up with Eileen's Saturdays Critters~~~~~HERE

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sky, clouds and THE Mountain

Last we we took a ride up to Mt. Baker (70 miles away) and hiked around and took bunches of pictures.
Here we have Mt. Baker from Artist Point
 I tried using a Lensball---not too bad

Linking to Sky Watch~~~~~~~HERE

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Signs to watch out for

Seen at the local small town ball field
Linking up with Signs2~~~~~~~HERE

Sunday, September 23, 2018

At home today

Across the pastures taken from the deck.  If there were no clouds  (which I love)  you could see Mt. Rainier smack dab between the two tall trees----but she is not out today.  Shannon's horse Lupe in the foreground and Mama and Baby boarders in the further pasture
 a fav flower---Shizostylus or Kafir Lily

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018


 Dorothy is just the silly dog to bring laughter into our lives.  Here she is looking for who know what in the piles of cattails we chopped down in our pond
 Toola just wondering............................
 The goaties getting ready for Trick or Treat
 A fierce looking Eagle surveying his domain from a power pole
 A very noisy Pileated Woodpecker
 A little Hummer
 Bingo is just being happy
 As is Boomer om Grandson Brett's dog---he is so sweet---both of them
Linking to Eileen's Saturday Critters~~~~~~HERE

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Beautiful Sky

Blue sky and fluffy clouds over Mt. Baker
Linking to Sky Watch~~~~~~HERE

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


My second daughter's name is Richelle and I found this in the ice cream aisle at the store
Linking to signs2~~~~~~~HERE

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Day Trippin' Mt. Baker

We went to Mt. Baker today to enjoy the last days of Summer and to enjoy the mountains
Mt. Baker elevation--10,781ft (3280m)
Mt. Shuksan elevation--9131ft (2783m)

 Mt. Shuksan and Picture Lake
 A view through the trees and a pathway
 And more view and path
 Nooksack River----very low after a very dry summer
 The hills are turning red from the wild Blueberries
 We are at Artist Point along the flank of the big mountain
 A view down to the valley---Baker Lake way down there
A view of the mountain in my mini lensball

Saturday, September 15, 2018

2 Barns

I saw a sign saying Property For Sale so drove up the dirt road and found this nice older barn.  Also on the property was a very old trailer with a wooden structure adden on to it---looks pretty unliveable.  Cool looking barn though.  13 acres for--- hold your breath-- almost 400 thousand--EGAD!
 Now this barn is on a working dairy farm
 And look who was looking out at me
Linking to Tom's Barn Collective~~~~~HERE

Friday, September 14, 2018

Saturday's Critters

First of all Toola and Dorothy have been up silly things.  Toola is taking G.I Joe for a ride and Doro is playing dress up

 A Pileated Woodpecker waiting at the feeders
 Good ol Stellars Jay or as we call the 'Blue Jay'

 When the Pileated flew in it startled the Hummingbird
 Sassy face

 The Finch pole
Linking to Eileen's Saturday Critters~~~~~HERE